Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Month Marker

Alright, before I say anything else, I have to share this:  Last night I saw a commercial for the Trojan Vibrating Mini.

Yup, it's exactly what you think it is.

I was in the bathroom when I heard the commercial come on, and I couldn't believe I was hearing it right.  I ran to the television, and sure enough, da da da daaaaa!  What's more, here are some of the exact words used in the "testimonials":  "Adorable".  "Cute".  "...makes me feel like a woman...".  "...gives me a burst of energy..."

And a few days prior to this I thought I'd seen it all when I saw a commercial for Chia Obama: https://www.chiaobama.com/flare/next

Sometimes I just love television.

By the way, speaking of television, is it just me or is Alfre Woodard simply incapable of aging?

Random Trini Facts:  There are lots of houses in the hills around here.  But unlike what you might expect, these houses are often occupied by the poorer populations, sometimes even squatters.  And the people who live in town are often the ones who have more money.

On an almost daily basis, both here in West Moorings (near Port of Spain, the capitol) and back in San Juan (where I lived for the first couple of weeks), you can hear people driving by with megaphones, spreading political or religious or medical messages.

Random Trini Ironies:  This apartment complex is one of the more upscale ones.  Hence the amenities and amazing view.  But there is an incongruity:  There's a beach right outside our apartment, sure, but it's filthy.  Covered in litter.  It's really sad.  What makes it even sadder is that we sometimes see Trinis sitting on the beach or swimming in the water. 

And then, a couple of weeks ago they held the biennial CHOGM (Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting) conference here, and the Queen of England was in town for about a week.

This week:  A Jehovah's Witness conference is in town.

From the Holy Mother to the Holy Father.  Hah!

P.S.  Have I really been here for only a month?  Seems longer than that.

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