Monday, November 16, 2009


Today was the beginning of Productive Week.

Sort of.

There are two things I need to get myself established here: a bank account, and a phone. And this is how I found out what it’s like to actually live in a non-capitalistic society. Number one: banks close at 2:00 here. I found this out after I tried every single one of the four entrances to the bank, twice, with no luck, and finally a bystander took pity on me and informed me that the bank was closed. Number two: Retail stores here do not overstock to the point that you can get anything you want at any time. No, here they actually run out of stuff. I went to a few different cell phone places looking for their cheapest phone, but none of them had it. And none of them knew when it’d be in stock again. This is a good test for my Anti-Capitalism/Wanting-To-Slow-Down ideals.

Hopefully they’ll fare better than my Anti-Media-Dependence ideals.

Today's Trinidad Impression: On the way home I got wordlessly chastised by the driver of the Maxi (giggle) for putting my feet up on the island between the front seats. I’ve noticed that a lot of the drivers take great pride in their taxis, most of which are decorated according to the drivers’ individual tastes. For example, I rode in one, driven by a woman, with a theme that would have had my nephew in fits. The entire interior was covered with airbrushed pictures of various Transformers.

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