Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Getting Mobile

Had a brutal night last night, getting little to no sleep. Had a mini panic attack early on when I realized I simply couldn’t escape the heat, and the feel and sound of the fan blowing air onto me was getting really abrasive. Then at one point, around 5:30 in the morning, on my way to the bathroom, I nearly stepped on a monstrous, red, upturned cockroach.

Good times.

Nevertheless, today was productive. Took the Maxi taxi (once again the prepubescent side of me cracks up at that name, thinking of sanitary napkins every time) to the capitol to meet with the guy who’s helping me find a job, and he got me an interview next week with a company that might be looking for a freelance video editor.

Then I decided to walk to the library, and when I asked a stranger how to get there, instead of just giving me directions, she actually walked me most of the way there. Never had an experience like that in the U.S.

The library was air-conditioned and I got a free hour of internet time, and all of that – being in a library, one of my favorite places on earth, in air-conditioning, one of my favorite things on earth, and connecting with some of my favorite people on earth … all made for a good afternoon.  Then I triumphantly navigated my way back home, stopping to buy the Delicious-Looking Fruit I’d seen yesterday.

Yup. Today was a better day.

Today’s Trinidad Impression: There appears to be a large Muslim contingent in the area, because every day at dawn, noon and dusk I hear what I think is a daily call to prayer.

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