Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Depression Sets In

Made a desperate call to my niece today, letting my depression outweigh the price of the call. Nine minutes (and $20) later, I felt a little better. She convinced me to pick up my drum, and although it was half-hearted, it did help to play for a little bit.

Also made it to the NetCafe today. $5.00 TT for 30 minutes of service. That comes out to, oh wait, only $.90 US for a half hour’s worth of internet. Okay, that’s cool. I feel better about that now.  On the way home I was going to buy some delicious-looking fruit, but when the guy told me it would cost $8.00 for a bunch of bananas, I thought he was trying to rip me off and sanctimoniously huffed away empty-handed. It wasn’t until I got home and did the math that I realized that the price for that bunch of bananas came out to $1.33 US. Ah. I see. Well, then. Tomorrow I buy us some fruit.

Then tonight three drummers stopped by the house to buy some drums and when one of them tested one out, I got all toe-curly and thought, “Oh, that’s right. That’s why I’m here. I remember now.”

Walked to the Chinese restaurant with my roommate and spent $16 TT ($2.75 US) for a good-sized combo plate that allowed for leftovers for tomorrow. This was a good thing.

Until I worried about what would happen if I got food poisoning in a foreign country.

Sigh. It never ends.

Today’s Trinidad Impression: No flying insects! Back home I would never open a window with no screen on it, because of the bugs. But here? Not one screen, and no flying bugs in sight. It’s hot as poop, but there are no flies, no mosquitoes, no moths, nada. Craziness.

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