Friday, November 27, 2009

My Big Fat Shopping Excursion

My mother's friend sent me on a mission to get us sustenance today.  She hates grocery shopping, and I was grateful for the opportunity to contribute, so she made up a list, gave me her card and her car keys, and sent me off to the supermarket.

Yes, she gave me her car keys.  I actually drove to the supermarket.  It was just around the corner, but I was still nervous.  With the help of the mantra "stay to the left stay to the left stay to the left", however, I got there without incident.

Apart from accidentally turning on the wipers twice, when I meant to reach for the blinkers.

I took my time at the store, going up an down every aisle and familiarizing myself with everything they had to offer, and left an hour and a half later with eight bags under my arms, a better idea of the local brands, and a sense of accomplishment.

And then tonight we glutted ourselves on back-to-back episodes of Project Runway and piles of junk food.

And with that we officially became roommates ... and girlfriends.

Because it doesn't matter how evolved I may pretend to be, there is nothing like bonding with a chick over potato chips and crap television.

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